The days of hunting down the perfect salvaged car or parts are over and it is time to cash in on your investment. With a little elbow grease, your car will attract eyes and repel dirt the way it was meant to. The following are a few things to be conscious of when detailing your salvaged vehicle. Trim Before Anything Else After a meticulous wash, the trim is should be your main concern. A trim protectant will safeguard delicate areas from products used on the paint surface. There is no need to accidentally alter the tone of your car with carelessness. Some people go as far as using masking tape avoid mistakes. Finally, an Use for Those Plastic Grocery Bags Grocery shoppers typically throw them out, but a little-known use for grocery plastic bags is detection of gravel on your car before waxing. Place the hand in the bag and run it along the surface. This will heighten the sensation of any bumps or irregularities. It’s a neat little trick for uncovering buried grit and detailing your car. Only Fools Do Not Have Proper Tools While this is a comical motto, it does describe the importance of having proper equipment in performing a task. Car detailing is no different. It stands to reason that the greatest surface area should take the most time. To keep any paint job in pristine condition, a buffer with oscillating motion is crucial. The key is to use it only in applying the wax. If you use it to remove the material, you may damage the detailing and the vehicle. Lastly, use a quality hand towel to remove what the buffer put on the surface. The few tips provided should be the primary steps you take when detailing your car. There are many more suggestions which we can cover next time, but keep those three guidelines in mind if you want to detail your car like a pro.