There are a lot of myths out on the internet about buying used cars at an online auction. In the last five years buying items in online auctions has become increasingly more popular due to the rise in online auction sites like Ebay. Even more recently the rise of niche online auction sites like has made finding the exact item you are looking for with all of the related services a breeze. In this post we are going to expose all of the myths about buying salvage cars at auction online. Continue reading
Monthly Archives: January 2013
Replacing Storm-Damaged Vehicles with Salvage Cars
When the torrential downpour they called “Sandy” tore through the Northeast, it wreaked unprecedented havoc on a very large and populated area of the United States, destroying buildings and ruining thousands of vehicles. MSN reported that over 230,000 vehicle were damaged during the storm, with some of the cars being submerged under flood waters, while others were damaged by falling trees or other debris. Continue reading